The 3rd German-Arab Environment & Energy Forum

  • February 23, 2019
  • Amman & Aqaba, Jordan

Shaping Transition Sustainably: Future Technology for Today!

In 2019, Jordan and Germany will celebrate 60 years of cooperation in the fields of water (Jordan is the second most water-scarce country in the world), education, employment, environmental protection, energy, and waste management. The 3rd German-Arab Environment & Energy Forum held in Amman & Aqaba from February 23-26, 2019 was a great occasion for Germans and Jordanians to find cooperation partners.

With a population of almost 10 million, Jordan offers a small but dynamic market and has a highly qualified workforce. World-class logistics and infrastructure are available and the country is regarded as a strategically well-positioned regional hub for production, technology, and tourism. Its economic strengths lie in services, tourism, pharmaceuticals, IT, and energy. Economic growth of 2.5 percent is forecast for 2019, with priority given to attracting investors and creating jobs.

High-ranking speakers and prominent political figures (such as Dr. Jawad Anani, former Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister) from business, higher education, and politics enriched the program in the Amman Chamber of Commerce on the first day. The German delegation met with more than 100 Jordanian entrepreneurs who used the forum to establish contacts and exchange information.

The contributions of the German-Jordanian University and the commitment of the former Jordanian Minister of Water & Irrigation, Dr. Hazim El-Naser, who studied in Germany, were particularly noteworthy. Not only did he act as chairman of one of the four panels, but also presented his innovative digital water documentation project ( He also took the time to give a lecture on the second day of the trip on the importance of the Dead Sea for the entire region. The location: the Dead Sea Museum in the solar-powered Dead Sea Panoramic Complex at the beginning of the Zara Trail high above a spectacular gorge overlooking the Dead Sea.

During the interesting company visits in the Sahab Industrial City, the focus was on environmental protection and sustainability in energy use in the ASP steel pipe factory and in the pharmaceutical company AMC.

On the last day, the delegation in Aqaba enjoyed the generous hospitality of ASEZA, the local institution that acts as a contact point for investors. The numerous investment advantages range from tax exemption to unrestricted access to foreign currency, up to 70 percent employment of foreign workers, and discounts on cargo traffic via the port. Thirteen megaprojects in the areas of tourism, trade, services, transport, industry, and logistics with a total volume of around 2 billion euros are planned. The feasibility studies and master plans have been completed. Investors have. There is a one-stop shop ( ASEZA often expressed the expectation that it would benefit from the nearby future Saudi NEOM project.

The delegation was able to visit Ayla. This is a new city with its own marina in the north of Aqaba, where 50,000 people are expected to live in luxurious surroundings. The solar plant that supplies the energy for the management of the huge golf course has already been installed. Part of the residential area and Ayla’s Hyatt-Regency Hotel have also been completed.

Particularly interesting and impressive was the visit to Kempaco, so far the only seawater desalination plant, two kilometers from the border with Saudi Arabia where the latest state-of-the-art technology is in use. Further such plants are in the planning stage.

The visit to the Marine Science Station, which belongs to the University of Jordan, gave an insight into the magnificent underwater world of the Red Sea. The evening ended with a boat trip on the Red Sea overlooking the lights of Aqaba and Eilat.

Some participants used the return trip to Amman to visit Petra, the touristic highlight of the country, capital of the Nabataeans, and UNESCO World Heritage Site. The work of the Nabataean civil engineers who built a sophisticated water distribution system into the rocks can still be seen in Petra today.

Text: Barbara Schumacher

Amman Chamber of Commerce
“On behalf of HRH Price Hassan bin Talal, former minister of water and irrigation, Dr. Hazem Al Nasser patronized the events of the 3rd German Arab Energy & Environment Forum at the premises of Amman Chamber of Commerce on Sunday.
The forum, organized by the ACC in collaboration with the Euro-Mediterranean Arab Association, aimed at discussing the scarcity of natural resources mainly water.”

Jordan News Agency
“Commissioner for the Environment and the Region at the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) Suleiman Njadat on Tuesday, met with a German delegation, specialized in environmental affairs.
The meeting was held aspart the third German-Arab Environment and Energy Forum, which was recently held by the Euro-Mediterranean-Arab Association for Economic Cooperation Amman.”

German- Jordanian University GJU
“The Euro-Mediterranean-Arab Association (EMA) implemented the 3rd German-Arab Environment & Energy Forum which brought together different stakeholders from Germany and Jordan to discuss pressing questions around topics related to Water Technologies, Energy, Recycling, and Eco Mobility.”
“The German-Arab Environment & Energy Forum provided a large opportunity for the participants from Jordan and Germany to network, extend their cooperation, and establish new collaboration opportunities.”

News Website –  Albawaba
“We need more public awareness on green environment as less than 10% of our population understands what green economy means, according to HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org).
Speaking at the 3rd German Arab Environment and Energy Forum held under the Patronage of HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal and HE Sigmar Gabriel, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor of Germany and organized by the Euro Mediterranean-Arab Association (EMA) and TAG-Org at Amman Chamber of Commerce […]”
“Deputizing for HRH Prince El Hassan, HE Dr. Hazim El Naser attended the Forum which focuses on Shaping Transition Sustainability and includes field visits to Amman and Aqaba projects regarding energy and water by a high-profile German delegation headed by German Ambassador to Jordan HE Birgitta Seifker-Eberle and EMA’s President Gabriele Groneberg.”

Roya News
“The third German-Arab Environment and Energy Forum opened on Sunday at the Amman Chamber of Commerce under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal, in the presence of former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice-President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Sigmar Gabriel, and Senator Talal Abu-Ghazaleh.”


شبكة سبق
مندوباً عن سمو الأمير الحسن بن طلال، رعى الوزير الأسبق الدكتور حازم الناصر، اليوم الأحد، في مقر غرفة تجارة عمان، افتتاح فعاليات المنتدى الألماني – العربي الثالث للبيئة والطاقة.
ويهدف المنتدى الذي تنظمه غرفة تجارة عمان بالتعاون مع المنظمة العربية الاورومتوسطية للتعاون الاقتصادي (ايما) إلى مناقشة مشكلة نقص العديد من الموارد أهمها المياه وفرص الابتكار والابداع التي تندرج تحت نشاطات القطاع الخاص في دول المنطقة، والتي تقود تلك الدول نحو العديد من المجالات.

صحيفة الرأي
الناصر يدعو لايجاد بيئة محفزة للرياديين بقضايا البيئة والطاقة والمياه

المدينة نيوز
افتتاح المنتدى الألماني – العربي الثالث للبيئة والطاقة
مندوباً عن سمو الأمير الحسن بن طلال، رعى الوزير الأسبق الدكتور حازم الناصر، اليوم الأحد، في مقر غرفة تجارة عمان، افتتاح فعاليات المنتدى الألماني – العربي الثالث للبيئة والطاقة.
ويهدف المنتدى الذي تنظمه غرفة تجارة عمان بالتعاون مع المنظمة العربية الاورومتوسطية للتعاون الاقتصادي (ايما) إلى مناقشة مشكلة نقص العديد من الموارد أهمها المياه وفرص الابتكار والابداع التي تندرج تحت نشاطات القطاع الخاص في دول المنطقة، والتي تقود تلك الدول نحو العديد من المجالات.

وفد الماني يبحث الاستثمار في مجال البيئة المياه والطاقة
بحث مفوض البيئة وشؤون الإقليم في سلطة منطقة العقبة الاقتصادية الخاصة سليمان نجادات ووفدا المانيا امكانية الاستثمار في المجال البيئي وتحلية المياه واقامة المشاريع المتعلقة بالطاقة والمياه وبما يعود بالنفع على المجتمع المحلي .

الكون نيوز
شاركت الجامعة الألمانية الأردنية في المنتدى العربي- الألماني الثالث للبيئة والطاقة والذي نظمته المنظمة العربية الأورومتوسطية للتعاون الاقتصادي في غرفة تجارة عمان مؤخرا، بهدف مناقشة القضايا الملحة المتعلقة بتكنولوجيا المياه والطاقة وإعادة التدوير والتنقل البيئي الآمن.

دعوات لتوفير بيئة محفزة للرياديين لإيجاد حلول لمشاكل البيئة والطاقة والمياه

الدستور – عمان
وفد بيئي ألماني يزور العقبة
التقى مفوض البيئة وشؤون الإقليم في سلطة منطقة العقبة الاقتصادية الخاصة سليمان نجادات، اليوم الثلاثاء، وفداً بيئياً ألمانياً وذلك استكمالا لأعمال المنتدى العربي الألماني الثالث للطاقة والبيئة، الذي عقدته المنظمة العربية الاورومتوسطية للتعاون الاقتصادي في عمان مؤخراً.

In 2019, Jordan and Germany will celebrate 60 years of cooperation in the fields of water (Jordan is the second most water-scarce country in the world), education, employment, environmental protection, energy, and waste management. The 3rd German-Arab Environment & Energy Forum held in Amman & Aqaba from February 23-26, 2019 was a great occasion for Germans and Jordanians to find cooperation partners.

With a population of almost 10 million, Jordan offers a small but dynamic market and has a highly qualified workforce. World-class logistics and infrastructure are available and the country is regarded as a strategically well-positioned regional hub for production, technology, and tourism. Its economic strengths lie in services, tourism, pharmaceuticals, IT, and energy. Economic growth of 2.5 percent is forecast for 2019, with priority given to attracting investors and creating jobs.

High-ranking speakers and prominent political figures (such as Dr. Jawad Anani, former Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister) from business, higher education, and politics enriched the program in the Amman Chamber of Commerce on the first day. The German delegation met with more than 100 Jordanian entrepreneurs who used the forum to establish contacts and exchange information.

The contributions of the German-Jordanian University and the commitment of the former Jordanian Minister of Water & Irrigation, Dr. Hazim El-Naser, who studied in Germany, were particularly noteworthy. Not only did he act as chairman of one of the four panels, but also presented his innovative digital water documentation project ( He also took the time to give a lecture on the second day of the trip on the importance of the Dead Sea for the entire region. The location: the Dead Sea Museum in the solar-powered Dead Sea Panoramic Complex at the beginning of the Zara Trail high above a spectacular gorge overlooking the Dead Sea.

During the interesting company visits in the Sahab Industrial City, the focus was on environmental protection and sustainability in energy use in the ASP steel pipe factory and in the pharmaceutical company AMC.

On the last day, the delegation in Aqaba enjoyed the generous hospitality of ASEZA, the local institution that acts as a contact point for investors. The numerous investment advantages range from tax exemption to unrestricted access to foreign currency, up to 70 percent employment of foreign workers, and discounts on cargo traffic via the port. Thirteen megaprojects in the areas of tourism, trade, services, transport, industry, and logistics with a total volume of around 2 billion euros are planned. The feasibility studies and master plans have been completed. Investors have. There is a one-stop shop ( ASEZA often expressed the expectation that it would benefit from the nearby future Saudi NEOM project.

The delegation was able to visit Ayla. This is a new city with its own marina in the north of Aqaba, where 50,000 people are expected to live in luxurious surroundings. The solar plant that supplies the energy for the management of the huge golf course has already been installed. Part of the residential area and Ayla’s Hyatt-Regency Hotel have also been completed.

Particularly interesting and impressive was the visit to Kempaco, so far the only seawater desalination plant, two kilometers from the border with Saudi Arabia where the latest state-of-the-art technology is in use. Further such plants are in the planning stage.

The visit to the Marine Science Station, which belongs to the University of Jordan, gave an insight into the magnificent underwater world of the Red Sea. The evening ended with a boat trip on the Red Sea overlooking the lights of Aqaba and Eilat.

Some participants used the return trip to Amman to visit Petra, the touristic highlight of the country, capital of the Nabataeans, and UNESCO World Heritage Site. The work of the Nabataean civil engineers who built a sophisticated water distribution system into the rocks can still be seen in Petra today.

Text: Barbara Schumacher

2019-2-23 2019-2-23 Europe/London The 3rd German-Arab Environment & Energy Forum Amman & Aqaba, Jordan
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