The German-Arab Women Forum

The EMA region is perceived as a strong men’s domain in the western world. But also in Saudi Arabia or Libya, there are successful women entrepreneurs in leadership positions who have developed a prominent position in society and are often an example. Many of these women face the same challenges as women in Germany. Due to cultural differences, however, the working conditions and the work environment partly differ greatly. The commonalities, differences, and the challenges facing successful women around the world, will be worked out together with you.

The 6th German-Arab Women’s Forum
  • October 16, 2024
  • 14:00 o'clock
  • Berlin
The 5th German-Arab Women’s Forum
  • January 8, 2021
  • PheedLoop
The 4th German-Arab Women’s Forum
  • September 25, 2018
  • European School of Management & Technology (ESMT), Schloßplatz 1, 10178 Berlin
The 3rd German-Arab Women’s Forum
  • November 10, 2016
  • European School of Management & Technology (ESMT), Schloßplatz 1, 10178 Berlin
The 2nd German-Arab Women’s Forum
  • October 24, 2013
  • Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
The 1st German-Arab Women’s Forum
  • April 12, 2012
  • 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Handelskammer Hamburg