Business Breakfast 2018

- June 20, 2018
- von 8:30 bis 10 Uhr
- EMA office, Deichstr. 19, 20459 Hamburg
- 040/609455430
Companies abroad are often unsure when it comes to setting up or developing their local businesses.
A proven approach of many companies is to make use of the services of local employees. As a rule, the direct contacts of these employees as well as classic sales marketing instruments are used. In addition, we would like to show you how you can effectively achieve good political contacts or networks via local media for this purpose.
Jürgen Klimke, board member of the EMA, was a member of the German Bundestag for 15 years and in this role was entrusted with many tasks abroad. In addition, his communications agency Industrie-Contact AG, based in Hamburg, has been networked with 50 international partners since 2002.
Together with Uwe Schmidt, board member of Industrie-Contact AG, he would like to share his experiences and show ways that public relations work by SMEs can be used in a more targeted manner in order to advance the business.
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