OUISSAL Workshops “Mentors only” and “Mentees only”

“It’s not so much about doing, but about offering different perspectives to look into the issues that come up.” – a mentor during the “Mentors only” meeting for Ouissal mentors.

“I tell my mentor about Ramadan and she tells me about easter. So, we also have a cultural exchange” – a mentee in the “Mentees only” meeting for Ouissal mentees.

It was a wonderful opportunity to exchange experiences and delve into topics like sustainability, digital transformation in the mentees’ company, and fostering the mentees’ economic development.

We engaged in enriching discussions, explored effective mentoring practices, and shared strategies for supporting growth. Together, we enhanced our mentoring skills and learned from each other’s insights!

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Clara Gruitrooy for graciously hosting this meeting, drawing upon her wealth of experience.

Keep an eye out for additional rewarding sessions as we progress on our journey of empowerment and development together!