New Year’s Reception 2018

- January 23, 2018
- 11:30 am to 2:00 pm
- Grand Elysée, Rothenbaumchaussee 10, 20148 Hamburg
Responsibility must be lived
In her first New Year’s address as President of the EMA, Gabriele Groneberg, former member of the Bundestag, referred in particular to the topic of corporate social responsibility. With the slogan “We live responsibility”, the EMA has attached great importance to this topic since its foundation and hereby stands out in a special way in German-Arab cooperation.
The topic is currently more topical than ever, “the last few months have repeatedly shown that not all people enjoy the privilege of living in peace and harmony with one another.” This is particularly the case in the EMA target region and does the work of the national association indispensable, because “the key region of North Africa can be strengthened through sustainable economic cooperation and we can decide to work together and not to isolate ourselves.” Gabriele Groneberg shows that social responsibility (CSR) can also lead to personal and entrepreneurial success not only with the success of the EMA , which is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, but also on the success of its members.If responsibility is lived by each individual, a lot can be achieved together.
In his New Year’s message, Honorary President Christian Wulff, former Federal President, reiterated the importance of the right motivation to act. Christian Wulff pointed out the new challenges of governance, which in view of the “accelerated” life of our world is generally becoming more and more difficult. Christian Wulff also went into the numerous challenges in the Mediterranean and Middle East region and particularly emphasized the expertise of the EMA in the areas of medium-sized companies, the advancement of women and dialogue orientation, which shape the potential for the benefit of the countries and the people.
In the anniversary year, the EMA will remain true to its brand essence and the ambitious annual program, which EMA General Secretary Clara Gruitrooy presented to around 60 participants from business and politics, gives hope for an exciting year.