Salon diplomatique Qatar


Yesterday, together with the Embassy of the State of Qatar, the #EMA hosted “Salon diplomatique Qatar” in the beautiful Arabic Cultural House in Berlin.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our esteemed speakers, H.E. Abdulla bin Mohammed Al-Thani, Ambassador of the State of Qatar in #Berlin, and Sheikh Ali Al-Thani, CEO of the Investment Promotion Agency Qatar (Invest Qatar) as well as our Secretary General Clara Gruitrooy for moderating the event. A huge thanks also to all of our guests for their enriching participation.

Discussing Qatar’s economic prospects in several sectors such as #infrastructure#agriculture#finance, the #construction industry, and #renewable #energies, both speakers emphasized the importance and enrichment of further investments to strengthen and stabilize the country’s economic growth.

In his keynote speech, His Excellency highlighted the fact that #Qatar “is the fourth-richest country in the world” and “one of the largest investors in Germany”. Qatar’s economy shows great promise for future investments and transatlantic cooperation especially with Germany, also because of Qatar’s “political and social stability and its geographic location”, he said.

#EMAeV #Qatar #Germany #SalonDiplomatique