Salon Diplomatique Saudi Arabia

  • April 1, 2014
  • 12:00 pm to 2:30 pm
  • Anglo-German Club | Harvestehuder Weg 44, 20149 Hamburg
  • +49 (0) 40 609 455 437

Drawing on its long experience in connecting investors and decision-makers, the EMA was pleased to host this unique platform:

For a Stronger  Partnership in a modern Saudi Arabia

H.E. Ossama bin Abdulmajed Ali Shobokshi,
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Germany

1st April 2014, 12 – 2.30 p.m.

At the Anglo-German-Club, Harvestehuder Weg 44, 20149 Hamburg

Over the recent years, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has initiated a large movement of political and economic reforms to achieve further modernization while staying true to its identity and heritage. High on Saudi Arabia’s modernization agenda are the diversification of the economy, the development of globally competitive clusters and industries, the improvement of the Saudi youth’s skill level and business competences and the empowerment of civil society as well as the political engagement.

In order to better appreciate and capture the changes occurring, the EMA was honored to welcome the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Germany His Excellency Prof. Dr. med. Ossama bin Abdulmajed Ali Shobokshi who shared with the audience his insights and expertise on the country’s modernization process and showed the chances of German-Saudi business cooperation.

His Excellency stressed that the Kingdom places a high value for allocating the private sector an important role in the development process of his country. He also encouraged the present German entrepreneurs to establish themselves in his country: “The opportunities for German companies to invest in Saudi Arabia are better than ever before.”

The Salon Diplomatique offered an incredible opportunity to gather together political and economic representatives in order to share know-how and inside information and discuss concrete cooperation and investment projects between Saudi Arabia and Germany.

2014-4-1 12:00 2014-4-1 14:30 Europe/London Salon Diplomatique Saudi Arabia Anglo-German Club | Harvestehuder Weg 44, 20149 Hamburg
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