
  • November 27, 2016 - November 30, 2016
  • Tunis
  • +49 (0) 40 609 455 437

Delegation to Investor Conference Tunisia 2020

Headed by Mr Christian Wulff, Former Federal President

On behalf of the Association of German Economy, the German-Tunisian Industry and the Chamber of Commerce and the Euro-Mediterranean-Arab country association EMA e.V., we warmly invite you to a delegation trip under the direction of Christian Wulff, Former Federal President on the occasion of the investor conference “Tunisia 2020” in Tunis.

The business delegation will take place from 27 to 30 November 2016. A detailed program is attached.

The aim of the conference is to present the Tunisian investment projects of the coming five years to public donors, investors and interested stakeholders. Contacts with the companies and between the companies are to be promoted through panel events. Numerous projects as well as the constantly updated conference program can be found at:  www.tunisia2020.com.

German companies have the opportunity to register for the conference free of charge via the aforementioned website. For the optional supporting program and logistical support, the partner associations offer the possibility to register themselves with an overhead cost.

If you are interested in participating in the trip, please send the enclosed registration form to referat-nord@afrikaverein.de by 18 November 2016 at the latest.

For more information or questions, please feel free to contact us at kontakt@ema-germany.org

The organizers had originally expected 800 participants – 4,500 turned up. Business representatives, investors, political decision-makers and journalists from 70 different countries traveled to Tunis from November 29 to 30 for the Tunisia 2020 investor conference to support Tunisia with loans and investments on its way to becoming a modern democracy. The Tunisian government used this opportunity to present the new investment law and an ambitious development plan for 2016 to 2020, and to promote confidence among potential investors. Almost 150 projects from various sectors were presented. In total, contracts for grants of around six billion euros were signed at the conference, with a further eight billion pledged. Taken together, this sum is larger than the Tunisian national budget for 2017. These figures impressively demonstrate that there is great international interest in Tunisia and a willingness to provide support. In addition, numerous private investment projects and partnerships were made public, such as the construction of an assembly plant for pickup trucks by Peugot PSA and the development of a tourism facility in the north of Tunis. More than 60 German entrepreneurs also attended the conference, some of them as participants in the business delegation jointly assembled by the Africa Association, the German-Tunisian Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the EMA. In close cooperation with the German government, the participants were offered an extensive social program on the two days before and during the conference. This provided important background information, gave the delegation members the opportunity to familiarize themselves even more intensively with Tunisia as an investment location and thus represented the optimal preparation for and accompaniment to the conference. In the course of various joint activities, the participants were able to benefit from the expert knowledge and experience of Christian Wulff, former German President, Ambassador Dr. Joachim Rücker, Special Representative of the German Government for the Middle East Stability Partnership, Günter Nooke, Personal Representative for Africa of the German Chancellor and Africa Representative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, as well as Dr. Andreas Reinicke, German Ambassador in Tunis. Participants received valuable first-hand information during personal audiences with the Minister of Industry and Trade, the Minister of Communications Technology and Digital Economy, and the EU Commission. Several B2B meetings also provided an opportunity for direct dialog with selected Tunisian companies. The ambitious program was completed by a panel discussion hosted by the Westerwelle Foundation at Startup Haus Tunis and a visit to Technopark Elgazala. The latter drew particular attention to startup companies and their potential for cooperation with German companies, especially in the IT sector. Both the conference and the supporting program showed that Tunisia has enormous economic potential. In order to fully exploit this and achieve its ambitious goals, the country is very interested in further investment – including from Germany. With the words “Germany stands by Tunisia as a friend and partner. […] German companies are already very active in Tunisia, with over 250 German companies employing around 55,000 people. That is more than 250 win-win situations and far more than 55,000 good prospects for the future. I wish that there will be many more!” Christian Wulff, former Federal President, called for increased commitment in Tunisia – and the delegation trip at the latest showed all participants how worthwhile this can be.

2016-11-27 2016-11-30 Europe/London Tunisia Tunis
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