Networking Reception Algeria

Networking Reception, hosted by the German Ambassador to Algeria

Ambassadors Residence, Chemin Pierre et Marie Curie, Algiers

A special shout-out to the German Ambassador to Algeria, Her Excellency Elisabeth Wolbers, for graciously inviting us to her residence for a delightful networking reception with great organizations and personalities such as GIZ Algeria, AHK Algérie, UIA Union Internationale des Avocats, SEVE Algérie, and more. The warm hospitality and engaging conversations added tremendous value to our kick-off week.

In her great speech, Her Excellency welcomed the commitment of the German delegation to commonly work with their Algerian counterparts over the year 2024 and to foster Algerian-German ties. Thanks to the support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Agentur für Wirtschaft und Entwicklung, Ouissal is currently spreading powerful connections in 10 countries between Germany and around the Mediterranean.

The Founder of Ouissal and Secretary General of the EMA, Clara Gruitrooy, expressed her joy in kicking off the mentoring program in such a powerful group. “Together we are living such a magical moment!