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Networking Reception, Celebrating Cross-Cultural Connections
(Event languages: English/French)
Lately, the EMA has invited the members of our local network and partners such as Club-DSI Tunisie, Confédération des Entreprises Citoyennes de Tunisie (CONECT), Association Tunisienne Femmes Ingénieures (ATFI), German-Tunisian Chamber of Industry and Commerce for a networking night to further discuss the ongoing trends in the digital economy, in startups and in innovative business development in Tunisia and in Germany, in order to forge new connections and build upon the existing ones.
Our Tunisian partners had the chance to connect with the various members of the EMA’s extensive network in Tunisia and an impressive delegation of German female leaders. Not only relevant business contacts could be made, the event also resulted in the planning of synergised joint actions that will generate actions to further the Tunisian Digitisation Agenda.
A Big thank you to our partners for their dedication and impactful work. A Big thank you also for all of our network members for their interest and engagement with the EMA community and initiatives! We appreciate your support!
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