With the kind support

Parliamentary Evening

  • September 24, 2015
  • 5:45 pm to 8:00 pm
  • German Parliamentary Society, German Bundestag, Berlin

The Euro-Mediterranean-Arab Country Association cordially invites you to the:

Parliamentary Evening
September 24, 2015
German Parliamentary Society, German Bundestag, Berlin

EMA is always committed to the interdisciplinary development of cooperation between Europe and the Mediterranean & Middle East region and makes this topic accessible to a broad public. In this spirit, EMA will present its work and goals to an exclusive circle of members of parliament, diplomats and selected representatives of associations and ministries on 24 September 2015, during a Parliamentary Evening in Berlin, in order to present challenges and potentials of German-Arab cooperation and the contribution EMA makes to economic development cooperation.

The parliamentary evening will be opened with a welcome address by EMA President Christian Wulff, former Federal President of Germany, and Mr. Jürgen Klimke, Member of the German Bundestag and member of the EMA Board of Directors.

17:45 Uhr: Empfang und Registrierung
18:00 Uhr: BegrüßungEMA Präsident Herr Christian Wulff and EMA-Vorstandsmitglied Herr Jürgen Klimke, MdB
18:20 Uhr: Fragen & Antworten
18:30 Uhr: Netzwerkdinner
20:00 Uhr Ende der Veranstaltung

Around 50 guests accepted the EMA’s invitation to the German Parliamentary Society for the “Parliamentary Evening” on September 24, 2015. During the event, the EMA presented its work and goals to an exclusive group of members of parliament, diplomats, and representatives of associations and ministries Present the challenges and potentials of German-Arab cooperation.

As a welcome speech, EMA President Christian Wulff and EMA Board Member and Member of the Bundestag Jürgen Klimke spoke about the EMA’s “holistic understanding of cooperation”. It would be about much more than the mere promotion of economic cooperation. Above all, Mr. Wulff emphasized the responsible work of the EMA, which attaches great importance to sustainable development. This includes protecting the environment as well as promoting women in business and management positions, combating youth unemployment and brain drain. Together with Mr. Klimke, he emphasized the importance of “cooperation at eye level” as a guarantee for successful cooperation. Due to the holistic and interdisciplinary approach, the guiding principles of equality, good governance and sustainability as well as the political,

After the welcome there was space for questions and suggestions, followed by a network dinner. The meeting of different actors meant that many inspiring and fruitful conversations were exchanged, which brought the evening to a successful end.

2015-9-24 17:45 2015-9-24 20:00 Europe/London Parliamentary Evening German Parliamentary Society, German Bundestag, Berlin
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