Cooperation partners

Roundtable Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Mediterranean Region

- October 7, 2011
- 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
- Historischer Zunftsaal der Safran-Zunft | Gerbergasse 11, 4001 Basel (Switzerland)
- +49 (0) 40 609 455 437
Arbitration and dispute resolution in the Mediterranean region
When entering into a contract, one should always consider the possibility that disputes may arise during the execution of the contract. Especially in the Southern Mediterranean, where the courts are often perceived as slow, poorly qualified and corrupt, it pays to use ways to bypass state judges and instead rely on the alternatives of dispute resolution and arbitration.
Together with Swisscham Africa, the Swiss Arbitration Association, Camera Arbitrale Milan and with the kind support of SECO and BDO AG (Switzerland), EMA cordially invites you to participate in this informative conference:
Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Mediterranean Region
October 7, 2011, 09:00 – 18:00
Historical Guild Hall of the Saffron Guild
Gerbergasse 11, 4001 Basel (Switzerland)
The aim of this event is to show the main players in the Mediterranean region – small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and their advisors – the best possible dispute resolution and arbitration strategies.
Renowned speakers with wide-ranging expertise will provide information on current challenges and opportunities:
♦ Dr. Franz Saladin tbc (Director of the Basel Chamber of Commerce).
♦ Ambassador Dr. Hanspeter Tschäni (SECO, Bern)
♦ Thorsten Vogl (Legal Assistant, Swisscham Africa)
♦ Jean Gabriel Recq (Attorney at Law, Diem & Partner, Stuttgart)
♦ Jörg Letschert (law firm SOFFAL, Paris)
♦ Pierre Genton (PMG Ingénieurs-Economistes-Conseils, Lausanne)
♦ Dr. Kilian Bälz (Amereller law firm, Berlin & Dubai)
♦ Sami Houerbi (BK & Associés, Tunis)
♦ Fatma Khalil (IFC – International Finance Corporation, Washington)
♦ Camera Arbitrale Milan