The 1st German-Arab Women’s Forum

  • April 12, 2012
  • 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Handelskammer Hamburg

In the West, the EMA region is perceived as exclusively dominated by males. However, there are successful female entrepreneurs and women in leading positions in Saudi Arabia or Libya, women who have acheived a distinguisehd status in their societies and who serve as a role model. Many of them face the same challenges as women in Germany, even though the environment in which they work is very different at times due to cultural differences. Togehther with you, we want to discuss the similarities, differences and the challenges that successful women face world-wide.

You are invited to the

1st German-Arab Women’s Network Forum

Leading women for sustainable economic growth

Under the Patronage of HRH Princess Sumaya bint el Hassan, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Hamburg Chamber of Commerce

12th of April, 2012, 09.00 to 18.00


The Forum offers women from Germany and the EMA region an opportunity to create new networks and to exchange opinions and ideas about the working conditions of women in both regions.

We are extremely pleased to welcome, amongst others, Haifa Fahoum Al Kaylani, founder and chairwoman of the Arab International Women’s Forum, and Dr. Samar Fatany, Chief Broadcaster at Jeddah Broadcasting, who are participating in designing the Forum. On the German side, Dr. Dorothee Stapelfeldt, Secong Mayor of Hamburg and Senator for Science and Research, and Angelika Pohlenz, Seceretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce ICC Deutschland e.V., will be holding keynote speeches.

The 1st German-Arab Women’s Netwrk Forum is based on an initiative by Prof. Dr Horst H. Siedentopf, the EMA’s President. It is a joint event of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the EMA. The Forum is supported by WMD (European Women’s Management Development International Network) e.V, the “Vereinigung für Frauen im Management e.V.” and the “Verband deutscher Unternehmerinnen e.V. (VdU)”.

Registration: 9.00
9.30 Opening Statement
Dr. Jens Peter Breitengroß, President of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
Prof. Dr. Horst H. Siedentopf, President of the EMA
Greeting Statements
Dr. Dorothee Stapelfeldt, Second Mayor of Hamburg and Senator for Science and Research
Reem Barghouty Damen, Chairwoman of the Jordan Forum for Business and Professional Women
10.10 Keynote
Eva-Maria Welskop-Deffaa, German ministry for Women, Chair of the department for equality
Haifa Fahoum Al Kaylani, Founder and Chairwomen of the Arab International Women’s Forum
11.00 Break
11.30 Panel I
Leading Women: Similar Challenges in Different Regions?
Chair: Prof. Dr. h.c. Christa Randzio-Plath, Member of European Parliament ret.., 1. Chairwoman of the Landfrauenrat Hamburg
Reem Barghouty Damen, Chairwoman of the Jordan Forum for Business and Professional Women
Maria Freifrau von Welser, Journalist and publicist as well as Vice Chair of UNICEF Germany
Angelika Pohlenz, General Secretary ICC Deutschland e.V.
Prof. Dr. Shokry, Mediterranean Academy of Forensic Sciences, Egypt
12.45 Lunch Break
13.45 Panel II
Are leading women better suited for positions in management?
Chair: Corinna Nienstedt, Director of the International Section of Hamburg’s Chamber of Commerce
Dr. Samar Fatany, Chief Broadcaster Jeddah Broadcasting, Saudi Arabia
Adelheid Sailer-Schuster, President of Deutsche Bundesbank in Hamburg
Astrid Nissen-Schmidt, Partner by Ernst & Young GmbH as well as member of plenum of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and of the Verband Deutscher Unternehmerinnen e.V.
15.00 Break
15.30 Panel III
Initiatives for equalization of women in the economy
Chair: Rena Bargsten, Board member EWMD Germany e.V.
Haifa Fahoum Al Kaylani, Founder and Chairwomen of the Arab International Women’s Forum
Monika Schulz-Strelow, President of “Frauen in die Aufsichtsräte e.V.”
Elke Holz, Member of the federal board of FIM e.V. and member of administrative council of DAK –Deutsche Angestellten-Krankenkasse
Mounia Achbah, Moroccan High Commissariat of Water, Forests and Combating Desertification, Morocco
16.45 Concluding Remarks
Maria Freifrau von Welser, TV-journalist and publicist as well as Vice Chair of UNICEF Germany
17.30 Reception in the Hamburg Town Hall
Jana Schiedek, Hamburg Senator for Gender Equality and Justice

Albert Einstein famously said: “It’s easier to break an atom than a prejudice”. Dr. Stapelfeldt, Hamburg’s Vice-Mayor and Senator for Science and Research, used this accurate quote to start her opening address to the 1st German-Arab Women’s Network Forum. However, the event, that is unique in its kind in Germany, managed to achieve just that: Apart from reducing stereotypes, it furthered connection and exchange between the high-profile participants.

There were surprises on both sides. Especially the Arab participants were surprised to learn that in Germany – a country that is governed by a woman – there is still a lot of controversy and a lot to be done about equal gender rights. Equally, the German participants gained new insights into the situatin of women in the Arab region and were impressed by the multitude of Women’s initiatives.

Therefore, the event was a great success – many of our participants have approached us to demand that the forum be expanded and held every yea

After the event,  Hamburg’s Senator for Equal Rights and Justice invited the Forum’s guests and speakers to an exclusive reception in Hamburg’s town hall. In the context of this special event, Prof. Dr. Siedentopf awarded Mrs. Haifa Fahoum Al Kaylani, founder and chairwoman of the Arab International Women’s Forum (AIWF), the first EMA Honorary Membership. Mrs Al Kaylani is one of the most influential women in the Arab Region.

She was very moved by this award and praised EMA for its “bridging” between Germany and the Arab countries. She announced a comprehensive cooperation between the  EMA and AIWF.

In the current issues of our publications Mediterranes and Ouissal, you can find a detailed report og the Women’s Network Forum and interviews with the speakers and other EMA pertners.

2012-4-12 09:00 2012-4-12 18:00 Europe/London The 1st German-Arab Women’s Forum Handelskammer Hamburg
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