Official opening ceremony of the Food Academy in Ouezzane

Yesterday marked the official launch of the Food Academy in the province of Ouezzane in Morocco. The ceremony was inaugurated by the Governor of the province Ouezzane, Mr. Mehdi Chebli. In the past months, the project partners and the #EMAeV team in Ouezzane worked relentlessly to renovate the building that was provided by the Commune Ouezzane, develop the training plan, and have successfully started the 3-month training for the first batch of students.

The Academy is offering vocational training and further education for self-contractors and employees of small companies and cooperatives in the field of food production. The plan is to start the academy life by training 200 students in the next couple of months in special training programs, that includes courses on #marketing, #finance, #communication #technology, #export, and finishing off with a practical on-field experience.

The Food Academy is part of a PartnerAfrika project between the Chambre de Commerce d’Industrie et de Services de la Région Tanger Tétouan Al Hoceima (CCIS-TTA), Fédération Nationale de l’Agroalimentaire (FENAGRI), IHK Zu Schwerin, and the EMA 🤝

This EMA project is supported through sequa gGmbH as part of the Special Initiative on Training and Employment of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Under the brand Invest for Jobs – Special Initiative on Training and Job Creation has bundled a range of offers to support #German, #European, and #African companies in their employment-generating engagement in Africa.