Round Table Sustainable Construction

“We must minimize energy consumption and construct new buildings that are as climate neutral as possible. We need higher refurbishment quotas that focus on energy efficient, climate-friendly and sustainable modernization.”– stated Dr. Mark Speich North Rhine-Westphalia’s State Secretary for Federal, European, and International Affairs as well as for Media at the Online Roundtable organized by the EMA e.V., which created a platform for Jordanian and German/ North Rhine-Westphalian stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and resulted in an energetic discussion as well as interdisciplinary solutions.

First, we want to express our deepest gratitude to the speakers and panelists of the roundtable:

Dr. Mark Speich for inaugurating the roundtable

Clara Gruitrooy for introducing the topic, moderating the pitches and navigating the discussion as well as amply summarizing the key points of each speaker.

Eng. Lina Mubaideen, MSc, CEMP for providing insights into the JREEEF and Jordanian sustainable legislative.

Mohammad Asfour, for sharing his long standing experience in the field and giving a background on Jordans sustainable legacy.

Dr. Jan Polivka, for providing multiple solutions from academia and the current state of research.

Knud K. Megerle for sharing best practices and thoughts on sustainable materials.

Matthias Pfeifer for reporting on projects in the Mediterranean and Middle East Region as well as laying out ways to reintroduce natural infrastructure.

Heinz G. Rittmann for expressing his ideas on vocational training and curricula paired with his experience of working in this field in Jordan.

Aika Drescher for enlightening the roundtable by sharing a recent awareness campaign for sustainability in Jordan and underlining the importance of education and training.

Nora Legittimo for looking at the bigger picture and drawing conclusions from past transition processes

We would also like to thank everyone who attended the Summit and participated actively in the discussions and networking sessions, contributing to the success of the event and creating a vibrant atmosphere.

Lastly, heartfelt gratitude to our partner and sponsor Staatskanzlei NRW ( for their immense support.

Follow the link to view the full report and watch the recording of the roundtable. Next up is the workshop series in Amman.