The 1. EMA-Forum for the Mashriq and the Gulf

  • November 19, 2012 - November 20, 2012
  • Federal Foreign Office, Berlin

After the EMA successfully established the regional forum for the Maghreb in Berlin last year, the EMA, in cooperation with the Federal Foreign Office, is dedicated to the countries of the Middle East and the Gulf region:

The 1. EMA-Forum for the Mashriq and the Gulf
Under the auspices of Federal Foreign Minister Dr. Guido Westerwelle
19 November 2012: Federal Foreign Office, Berlin

Followed by a gala dinner at the German Bundestag
20 November 2012: Reception, visitation and supporting program

(German-Arabic with simultaneous translation)

The Mashrek and the Gulf States have been of great importance for Germany’s foreign trade and politics, not only since the events of the Arab Springs, but also as a link between Asia, Africa and Europe, this region represents a valuable key to successful economic cooperation.

It is therefore necessary to be able to assess and successfully exploit legal, political and external risks and potentials. The analyzes, experience reports and discussions of the high-ranking regional representatives, experts and entrepreneurs present at the Forum will not only provide insights on the podium and in the workshops. In addition, B2B discussions provide the ideal framework for networking in the generous breaks with country-specific tables.

An exclusive Gala dinner at the German Bundestag, receptions and a supporting program round off this unique event.

As a special highlight for our members – who receive free participation for the entire event! – the EMA Annual General Meeting will be held this year.

The focus of the event:

  • Challenges of the 21st century for German-Arab cooperation and for regional cooperation
  • Successful foreign trade
  • Leading industries for sustainable development
  • Financing, promotion and tendering
  • Entrepreneurs for economic growth
  • Personnel procurement and know-how transfer
  • Legal framework for safe management
  • Water management
  • Renewable Energies and the Environment
  • Health care
  • Infrastructure and green logistics

Framework Programme – November 20th 2012

9.00 a.m.
Historic Tour of Potsdam
12.15 p.m.
Reception in the Federal State Government of Brandenburg including Lunch and Opportunities for B2B-Exchange
Welcome Speech:
– Henning Heidemanns, State Secretary, the Brandenburg Ministry of Economics and European Affairs
– H.E. Farid Mogawar, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, Republic of Yemen
Short Presentation of Brandenburg’s Economy:
– Dr. Stefan von Senger und Etterlin, Director International Business, ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH
1.30 p.m.
Vision of the new Berlin Brandenburg Airport (under construction)
4.00 p.m. End of Framework Programme


H.E. Egyptian Ambassador Mohamed Higazy: “Germany is a strong and reliable partner”

The premiere of the “1st EMA Forum for the Mashriq and Gulf Region” initiated by the German-Arab organisation EMA together with the Federal Foreign Office was ill-fated: the crisis in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine is about to escalate while the end of confrontations in Syria is nowhere in sight. Due to these circumstances, Dr. Guido Westerwelle, the patron of this event, decided to travel to the Middle East on the conference’ opening day. Therefore Viktor Elbling, the Director General of Economic Affairs and Sustainable Development of the Federal Foreign Office, thanked the EMA all the more for its great dedication. Furthermore, his colleague Boris Ruge, the Head of the Middle East Department, pointed out that in this politically insecure time lots of entrepreneurs and businessmen are hesitant to invest in the Mashriq and Gulf Region. Nevertheless, the EMA succeeded in bringing together 200 German, Turkish and Arabic representatives of the business, political, science and civil society sector on November 19th and 20th 2012 in order to further intensify Germany’s external economic relations: German exports in the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council alone amounted to nearly 18 thousand million Euro. The current project volume of German companies in these countries accounts for 1.8 billion US-Dollar.

In addition to relevant topics for successful foreign trade, the highranking German and Arabic representatives also analyzed key industries for sustainable development in eight workshops: water management, environment and renewable energies; infrastructure, urban planning and (green) logistics as well as health care and life sciences. Experiences were exchanged, current projects presented and goal-oriented concepts for increased networking between German entrepreneurs with Arabic partners were discussed. Particularly the important role of Egypt as political mediator became apparent during the Forum. Although the country itself is currently at a turning point, at the same time it offers also new opportunities for German-Arab relations: “Germany is a strong and reliable partner. I invite German business leaders to consider investing in Egypt. When investing in Egypt you support democracy and you also consolidate stability in the Mediterranean”, said H.E. Dr. Mohamed Higazy, the Egyptian ambassador.

Furthermore, this year’s framework programme allowed the participants to gain an insight in the business location Brandenburg: in addition to a historic tour of Potsdam, the reception at the Federal State Government of Brandenburg offered lots of possibilities for B2B talks. The viewing of the airport Berlin-Brandenburg gave reason to review best practice and future-oriented infrastructure for a better Arab-German connection. The exclusive gala dinner in the delegates’ restaurant in the German Federal Parliament found great favour with the guests. The keynote speech was given by Klaus Brandner, a member of the German Federal Parliament and chairman of the German-Egyptian Group of Parliamentarians. On the whole, the “1st EMA-Forum for the Mashriq and Gulf Region” received lots of positive feedback: “The EMA has by far organized its best event. Particularly in these turbulent times a small miracle!”, according to a participant.

Press Reports

Press Releases
Press release | November 26th 2012
Succesful Launch of the “1st EMA Forum for the Mashriq and Gulf Region”, hosted at the Federal Foreign Service Office …more

Press release | November 19th 2012
The German-Arab Organization EMA opens its first “Forum for the Mashriq and Gulf Region” in the Federal Foreign Office today …more

Press release | November 13th 2012
High-ranking representatives from the Mashriq and Gulf Region attend the EMA Forum in the Federal Foreign Office, 19th and 20th November 2012 …more

2012-11-19 2012-11-20 Europe/London The 1. EMA-Forum for the Mashriq and the Gulf Federal Foreign Office, Berlin
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