Moroccan Delegation Meets to Discuss Food Academy Training

A delegation of our Moroccan partners of the ParnerAfrika project has arrived in Berlin

The participants discussed their experiences as trainers in the foodacademy in the city of Ouezzane with political decision-makers in the Government and the German parliament (Bundestag), among them Parliamentary State Secretary Dr. Ophelia Nick, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, and Dr. Daniela De Ridder, MP and member of Food & Agriculture Committee

The exciting itinerary consisted of a Training of trainers workshops with Daniela Greiffendorf, Jörg Cirulies, and Eva Flory at the Landesvertretung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

These two eventful days sparked engaging discussions and fruitful exchanges between the German and Moroccan trainers and partners of the Chambre de Commerce d’Industrie et de Services de la Région Tanger Tétouan Al Hoceima (CCIS-TTA), and the mayor of the city of Ouezzane where both sides expressed their interest in further deepening the cooperation in agriculture and food industry and training.