Roundtable Wind Power Egypt

  • November 5, 2009
  • Chamber of Industry and Commerce | Hamburg
  • +49 (0) 40 609 455 437

Wind power in Egypt

The power of the wind has been used by man for centuries. Modern wind turbines have become an integral part of the landscape in Germany. In view of scarce oil reserves, the countries of the Middle East and North Africa are increasingly seeking to expand their renewable energy sources. Egypt in particular is expanding its market in the wind energy sector.

On a small scale, EMA organized together with the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce an expert discussion on the topic of wind power in Egypt on November 5, 2009. Three renowned experts presented details of the Egyptian energy market to about 15 guests from the business community. Florian Feigs, consultant for the International Division at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, moderated the event.

Mr. Aziz Alkazaz, former economist at the German Orient Institute and deputy president of the EMA, gave an overview of Egypt’s current economy and politics, and specifically of the country’s energy strategy. Due to increasing energy consumption, Egypt is relying more and more on renewable and alternative energies, such as wind, solar and nuclear power. The business opportunities for German companies result from the need for foreign technology as well as further competencies in planning and implementing large projects. According to Alkazaz, the political framework will become more favorable over time for private companies to gain a foothold in the Egyptian market.

Dr. Oliver Fawzy, an expert in the commercial law of Arab states, spoke on the liberalization of the electricity market. He pointed out the great potentials of the wind power market, described current projects and explained the possibility of concrete market entry. Due to the wind atlas for Egypt, which was created in 2005, it has become easier to find suitable locations for wind power plants.

The chairman of the operator advisory board of the German Wind Energy Association, Dieter Fries, was able to report from his 20 years of work as an engineer in the wind industry. He shared his experience gained during the construction of the Zafarana wind farm and estimated the future development of the wind power market.

By Heike Hahn

2009-11-5 2009-11-5 Europe/London Roundtable Wind Power Egypt Chamber of Industry and Commerce | Hamburg
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