Business Breakfast 2015 | Corporate & Nation Branding

- September 18, 2015
- von 10 bis 11 Uhr
- Media consulta International Holding AG, Wassergasse 3, 10179 Berlin
- 040/609455430
The EMA and media consulta International Holding AG cordially invite you to a Business Breakfast:
Topic: Corporate & Nation Branding in 360 degrees – worldwide
September 18, 2015, 10.00-11.00 a.m.
media consulta International Holding AG, Wassergasse 3, 10179 Berlin
The managing director of media consulta International Holding AG, Mr. Harald Zulauf, will give you an interesting insight into his work in the rooms of his company with an exciting contribution on the topic “Corporate & Nation Branding in 360 degrees – worldwide”.
Corporate & Nation Branding in 360 degrees – worldwide” is about providing companies and brands with a brand identity. media consulta International Holding AG is able to implement this brand presence 360°, i.e. fully integrated and with all important communication channels: from classical advertising to press and media work, online and social media, television or events worldwide. Today, it is represented globally in over 80 countries.