Business Breakfast 2015 | Mergers & Acquisition

- December 16, 2015
- von 08:30 bis 10 Uhr
- EMA | Deichstraße 19, 20459 Hamburg
- 040/609455430
The Euro-Mediterranean-Arab Country Association cordially invites you to a Business Breakfast:
Topic: Mergers & Acquisitions
December 16, 2015, 08:30 am – 10:00 am
EMA | Deichstraße 19, 20459 Hamburg
The German M&A market is currently characterized by a good mood. Germany is a sought-after target country – market activity is increasingly characterized by foreign companies and investors who are going on a “shopping spree” in this country. M&A activities are also being stimulated by growing investment pressure from domestic corporations and financial investors.
During the Business Breakfast, M&A experts with many years of experience will provide you with valuable and exclusive know-how as well as information and tips from M&A practice:
Prof. Dr. Olaf Plessow has decades of experience – among others in the M&A sector – as a management consultant (BDU). He is co-founder of a research company and has more than 10 years of corporate experience in leading positions (chemistry/pharmaceuticals) and has been a professor for marketing and corporate management for 30 years.
Harald Link, owner of Harald Link Mergers & Acquisitions, has been successfully active in the M&A scene for 35 years after several years of practice in auditing/tax consulting and as an investment banker in New York (stock exchange exam on Wall Street).